Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

Photo: Pedro Sardinha

MAY 18, 2023

5 PM – Portuguese Centre of Photography
Largo Amor de Perdição, 4050-008 Porto

Our book tour took us to Porto! We were thrilled to launch our final publication Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal with Bienal’23 de Fotografia do Porto. The launch joined the opening of the exhibition Speculative Ecologies which showcased the projects Virtual Sanctuary for Fertilizing Mourning and The Backpack of Wings.




Exhibition “Speculative Ecologies” at the Bienal’23 de Fotografia do Porto
Against the rapid deterioration in the conditions of all life on Earth, Speculative Ecologies meditates on the probabilities of interconnection, repair and transformation.

Starting from the redefinition of the human ‘self’ as a cell in a diverse ecosphere of cells, we become the ‘ecological self’ in nature, as an integrated part of a complex system of diverse ecologies, behaviors and intelligences. Interlacing indigenous and scientific knowledge of involvement with the world, the exhibition interrogates relationships between humans and non-humans, resorting to different technologies in the reading of inter-species communities and the ties that sustain them. Swiss artist Ursula Biemann, Korean artist duo Hyeseon Jeong and Seongmin Yuk and Peruvian artist Eliana Otta offer three different yet entwined provocations on our global present and what may unfold.

Speculative Ecologies proposes a change in the paradigm of power, assuming ethical and collective responsibility to face ecological urgencies and the conditions for survival of life on earth, and challenge our prejudices and fears about the way we live; calling for the re-visualization and regeneration of our future world.




We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our publication Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, which marks the end of the three year initiative. The book documents all the milestones of the project, while contextualizing and expanding the discourse on the several themes at the core of Driving the Human. Combining expert voices and emerging creative visions, this publication offers an in-depth look at essential themes in our current moment of eco-social transformation, and advances new proposals to inhabit the planet. Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal combines thought-provoking essays and conversations with powerful images and visual language. The publication is released in collaboration with Mousse Publishing and distributed worldwide, both online and in stores.