Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal
Hosted by Forecast

November 25-27, 2022
silent green
Gerichtstraße 35, 13347 Berlin, Germany 




Opening night, featuring an exclusive evening program
The Opening Night brings to the forefront the seven prototypes and the extended network that has emerged out of three years of collaboration. While tours, exchanges and performances surround the installations, conversations and a shared moment of commonality, closing with a party, mark the opening evening. Get your tickets here.

6:00-8:00pm / 8:30-10:00pm Silkscreen station
Bring your old tote bags for a refresh!
Driving the Human Center

6:00-10:00pm  Workshop: Remains of What Remains
Additional info and registration, workshops page

6:30pm  Opening + Conversation: New Ways to Inhabit the Earth
With Jan Boelen, Freo Majer, Corine Pelluchon, Margit Rosen
Moderated by Vera Sacchetti
Reading by Song Tae Chong

7:00-8:00pm  Workshop: Collective Play with Monsters and Ghosts of the Far North
Additional info and registration, workshops page

7:30-9:30pm Tours 
With Brigitte Baptiste, Tatiana Bilbao, Washington Fajardo, among others

7:30pm  Conversation: Blueprints for Collaboration: Science and the Arts
With Sarah Donderer, Sandra Fendl, Hemal Naik, The Backpack of Wings, Human-Bacteria Interfaces
Moderated by Daria Parkhomenko
Driving the Human Center

7:30pm  Workshop: Wayang Plastic: Character-Making
Additional info and registration, workshops page

7:30-10:00pm  Workshop: Symbiotic AI: Simulating AI Entanglement Through Collective Storytelling
Additional info and registration, workshops page

8:00-9:30pm  Reading Acts
With Song Tae Chong

8:00-8:30pm  Anti-tour
With Daniel Cremer

8:30pm  Deep Dive: Monsters and Ghosts of the Far North
With Yuri Tuma
Registration required, Info Counter
Starts at info counter

8:30-10:00pm  Sabulang Bentor
Sedekah Benih with Soydivision
Additional info and registration, workshops page

9:00pm  Conversation: Citizen Engagement in the Age of Climate Crisis
With Brigitte Baptiste, Suzanne Pierre, Virtual Sanctuary for Fertilizing Mourning
Moderated by Vera Sacchetti
Driving the Human Center

9:00-9:30pm  Anti-tour 
With Daniel Cremer

9:30pm  Deep Dive: The Backpack of Wings: Modern Mythology
With Yuri Tuma
Registration required, Info Counter
Starts at info counter



Featuring installations, conversations, workshops, tours, performances, and more + Live Concert evening
The second day of the Driving the Human festival includes a program of free workshops with project authors, Driving the Human partners, and local Berlin initiatives. Alongside the afternoon and evening, the spaces inside and in between seven project installations host intimate exchanges and larger conversations, live interviews and expert-led tours, reading acts and daring knowledge transfer. A concert evening will allow visitors to experience the polymorphous sounds of Marina Herlop and Low Khey. Get your tickets here.

11:30-2:30pm  Workshop: #TechTok
Additional info and registration, workshops page

1:30-3:00pm  Workshop: Fermentation Station
Additional info and registration, workshops page

3:00-6:00pm  Workshop: Programming with Environmental Sensors
Additional info and registration, workshops page

3:00-4:00pm / 5:00-6:00pm  Workshop: Wayang Plastic: Character-Making
Additional info and registration, workshops page

3:30-5:00pm  Workshop: What Color is Wedding?
Additional info and registration, workshops page

3:30-10pm  Tours 
With Kim Albrecht, Brigitte Baptiste, Tatiana Bilbao, Sarah Donderer, Washington Fajardo, Hemal Naik, Corine Pelluchon, Margit Rosen, Chloe Stead, among others. 

4:00pm  Conversation: Centering Sustainable and Circular Practices
With LINA fellows Tevi Allan Mensah, Jonathan Steiger, and Studio Inscape
Moderated by Vera Sacchetti

4:00-4:30pm  Tour in German
With Freo Majer and Jan-Micha Gamer

4:00-6:00pm / 7:00-9:00pm  Silkscreen Station
Bring your old tote bags for a refresh!
Driving the Human Center

4:00-6:00pm  form x Driving the Human
form lounge

4:00pm  1-on-1: The Backpack of Wings: Modern Mythology

4:30pm  Deep Dive: Monsters and Ghosts of the Far North
With Yuri Tuma
Registration required, Info Counter
Starts at info counter

5:00pm  Conversation: Technological Futures, Symbiosis and Entanglement
With Kim Albrecht, Do AIs Dream of Climate Chaos, Monsters and Ghosts of the Far North, Trons’R’Us 
Moderated by Ariana Dongus
Driving the Human Center

5:30pm  Reading Acts
With Song Tae Chong

5:30pm  Conversation: Artistic Practice as World-building
With Kabelo Malatsie, Yuri Tuma, The Backpack of Wings
Moderated by Chloe Stead

6:00-7:00pm  Workshop: Nourishing Future Human-microbial Interactions
Additional info and registration, workshops page

6:00pm  1-on-1: Do AIs Dream of Climate Chaos: Symbiotic AI
Driving the Human Center

6:30pm  1-on-1: Monsters and Ghosts of the Far North

6:30-7:30pm  Anti-tour 
With Daniel Cremer

6:30-9:30pm  Workshop: The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks
Additional info and registration, workshops page

7:00pm  Transforming Human and Non-human environments
With Tatiana Bilbao, Washington Fajardo, Human-Bacteria Interfaces
Moderated by Vera Sacchetti
Driving the Human Center

7:00pm  Live Concert: Low Khey and Marina Herlop

7:30-9:30pm  Workshop: Co-creating Fertilizing Mourning
Additional info and registration, workshops page

8:00pm  Deep Dive: The Backpack of Wings: Modern Mythology
With Yuri Tuma
Registration required, Info Counter
Starts at info counter

8:00pm  Reading Acts
With Song Tae Chong
Driving the Human Center

8:00-8:30pm  Anti-tour 
With Daniel Cremer

8:30pm  1-on-1: Sedekah Benih 



Featuring installations, conversations, workshops, tours, performances, and more
During the afternoon and evening hours of the festival’s last day, the seven prototype installations become alive with a vibrant program of intimate exchanges and larger conversations, live interviews and expert-led tours, reading acts and daring knowledge transfer.  The day’s programming also offers a variety of free workshops with project authors, Driving the Human partners, and local Berlin initiatives. Get your tickets here.

1:00-2:30pm  Workshop: Fermentation Station
Additional info and registration, workshops page

1:30-2:30pm  Workshop: Gestures of Maintenance
Additional info and registration, workshops page

2:00-3:30pm  Workshop: Sabulang Bentor
Sedekah Benih with Soydivision
Additional info, workshops page

2:00-4:00pm  Workshop: Shifting Perspectives
Additional info and registration, workshops page

3:00pm  1-on-1: TRONS ‚R’US

3:00-5:30pm  Workshop: DIY Art-Papers
Additional info and registration, workshops page

3:30pm  Conversation: Working Together, Otherwise: the Forecast Umbrella 
With Tulga Beyerle, Tatiana Bilbao, Jan Boelen, Freo Majer
Moderated by Vera Sacchetti
Driving the Human Center

3:30-7:30pm  Tours
With Kim Albrecht, Sandra Fendl, Suzanne Pierre, Washington Fajardo, Corine Pelluchon, among others

3:30-4:30pm  Workshop: Nourishing Future Human-microbial Interactions
Additional info and registration, workshops page

4:00pm  Deep Dive: The Backpack of Wings: Modern Mythology
With Yuri Tuma
Registration required, Info Counter
Starts at info counter

4:00pm  1-on-1: Virtual Sanctuary for Fertilizing Mourning 

4:00-4:30pm  Tour in German
With Freo Majer and Jan-Micha Gamer

4:00-5:00pm / 6:00-7:00pm  Workshop: Wayang Plastic: Character-Making
Additional info and registration, workshops page

4:30pm  1-on-1: Human-Bacteria Interfaces
Driving the Human Center

5:00pm  Reading Acts
With Song Tae Chong

5:00-5:30pm  Anti-tour 
With Daniel Cremer

5:00pm  Conversation: Sharing Knowledge, Building Bridges
With Corine Pelluchon, Sedekah Benih, Virtual Sanctuary for Fertilizing Mourning
Moderated by Vera Sacchetti

5:00-7:00pm  form x Driving the Human
form lounge

5:30pm  Conversation: What Next? Mapping Institutional Change and Impact
With Sarah Donderer, Sandra Fendl, Julia Ihls, Martina Schraudner
Moderated by Antje Stahl
Driving the Human Center

6:00pm  Deep Dive: Monsters and Ghosts of the Far North
With Yuri Tuma
Registration required, Info Counter
Starts at info counter

6:00-8:00pm  Workshop: The Backpack of Wings: Sensory Networks
Additional info and registration, workshops page

6:00-8:00pm  Workshop: Co-creating Fertilizing Mourning
Additional info and registration, workshops page

6:30-7:00pm  Anti-tour 
With Daniel Cremer

7:00pm  Reading Acts
With Song Tae Chong