Photo: Alba Barcena

Photo: Alba Barcena

Photo: Alba Barcena

Photo: Alba Barcena

APRIL 30, 2023

3 PM at Lisbon Architecture Triennale, Sinel de Cordes Palace
Campo de Santa Clara, 142–145
1100–474 Lisbon, Portugal

The second stop on the Driving the Human book tour was in Lisbon! The book Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal was presented at “Forecast is present” talk, included in the Takeover Fest, Blueprints for Agency hosted by the Lisbon Architecture Triennale.


TAKEOVER FEST, Blueprints for Agency

The Lisbon Triennale invited Forecast to take over the Sinel de Cordes Palace for one weekend (April 29-30), to discover and promote audacious initiatives developing sustainable strategies for better coexistence. 
Forecast is on the lookout for local approaches that work with – and not just in – their environment, and which employ daring ideas ranging from circular economy to collective action and more. What challenges do they tackle and what do they want to change? How and why do they work?
It doesn’t matter whether these are traditional, long-established solutions or very recent, newly developed ones: individuals, businesses and associations from all sectors can be a part of this programme by answering an open call. 

At the end of April, anyone can join the Takeover Fest, the culmination of Blueprints for Agency, with an open program comprising project activationsroundtable discussions and presentation of a collection of short documentaries celebrating this diverse pool of ongoing initiatives developed in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area. In parallel, Forecast will provide each selected team with an experimental form of mentoring that is empowering, constructive and opens up new channels of knowledge and expertise. During the entire weekend, the Sinel de Cordes Palace’s cafeteria and bookstore will be open with new additions to its shelves brought by Forecast.

Saturday, 29 April
10 AM – 6 PM –  Future Evolution: Public presentation of the selected initiatives followed by a plenary discussion of how the presented concepts might also apply in different regions or could deal with different issues. In which other contexts can there be possible applications for the method proposed, where and for which challenges could this solution be useful?
10 – 10:30 AM – Takeover Fest opening with Forecast and Lisbon Architecture Triennale
10:30 AM – 1 PM – Presentation of Blueprints
1 – 3 PM –  Lunch 
3 – 6 PM – Plenary 

Sunday, April 30
10 AM – 10 PM – Garden Revolution 
1:30 – 3 PM – Lunch 
3 PM – Forecast is present: Introducing Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, a three-year initiative started by Forecast that concludes this year with a book launch, and a sneak preview of the follow-up initiative Grounding the Human. Followed by a talk between Freo Majer (founder and artistic director of Forecast) and Manuel Henriques (executive director of the Lisbon Triennale).
7 – 10 PM – Dinner and party

This programme is part of LINA, a European platform funded by Creative Europe. Starting in 2023, each year a fellow member is invited to Takeover the Sinel de Cordes Palace. During this first edition, the Triennale becomes one of the mentored participants, sitting at the table with the other selected projects as another mentee.



We are thrilled to announce the upcoming launch of our publication Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal, which marks the end of the three year initiative. The book documents all the milestones of the project, while contextualizing and expanding the discourse on the several themes at the core of Driving the Human. Combining expert voices and emerging creative visions, this publication offers an in-depth look at essential themes in our current moment of eco-social transformation, and advances new proposals to inhabit the planet. Driving the Human: Seven Prototypes for Eco-social Renewal combines thought-provoking essays and conversations with powerful images and visual language. The publication is released in collaboration with Mousse Publishing and distributed worldwide, both online and in stores.