SAVE THE DATE: 21 Visions for Eco-social Renewal

October 15 – 17, 2021
radialsystem, Berlin, and online
From October 15 – 17, 2021, Driving the Human presents 21 concepts proposing new visions for sustainable cohabitation on our planet. Ranging from a variety of geographic and cultural backgrounds, these visions suggest innovative and prescient ways to deal with some of the most pressing questions of our present moment. Among others, they engage with entanglements between technology and nature, artificial intelligence, circular economy, new modes of production, indigenous knowledge and approaches, and more-than-human perspectives from the bacterial to the interplanetary. Overall, they reinforce perspectives where collaboration and interdependency become essential, determining factors for life and survival on our planet.
Hybrid Event – A Physical and an Online experience
The Driving the Human event is firmly rooted in our present moment, and develops across dimensions: on the one hand, it manifests as an experienceable and memorable in-person experience, and on the other, it becomes available as a digital broadcast and an online platform for exchange.
The full programme will be announced soon. In the meanwhile find all the information about the 21 concepts here.